Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Busy Saturday

Mel and I had a busy day yesterday. We headed over to Mulligan's to hit a bucket of balls and test out my new driver. Mel's much improved since she had some lessons while we were up in Midway a few weeks ago.

I pulled out my nemesis, the 5 iron, and the results weren't much better than they normally are when I whip out the fiver (sadly, this isn't a joke):
We came home and went outside to play some Bocce ball, and for some reason I decided to throw the target ball with my left hand (NOT my regular throwing hand) and proceeded to launch the little yellow ball through the chainlink fence and into the canal. Mel climbed the fence to find it, and coming back over she decided she needed to fulfill her daily recommended amount of tetanus.

We then spent some time playing the "when's the last time you've had a tetanus shot" routine, and determined that it was luckily only a few years ago. Too bad--I've heard lockjaw is really fun, and I was really looking forward to a $30 copay at the Instacare. Maybe next time.


Megan Mills said...

You have pretty adventurous weekends. Tell Mel to stay away from fences. Ouch!

Britta said...

ow! Glad you had fun, but so not cool about the jeans and the scratch!

Keeping Toddlers out of Jail said...

From the looks of those jeans, it was good to let them go fast, no sense in letting them and us suffer too long.

How about a pic of your guys' back swing? If it's anything like Mel's sister, it makes golf a very dangerous game. Monica did make some money at the golf course though, when they paid her to leave.

chelsea mckell said...

oh children, children. Behave yourselves.

Scott said...

Fore (four)! weeks since you last blogged. Are you still alive? Ryan? Melissa? Where are you guys?
. . . hello?