Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dog Sitting and Neighborhood BBQ

Today we got to dog sit while our neighbors went to the water park. I'll post a picture of the cutie tomorrow. It made me want a dog even more. We took naps together. It was the greatest day ever!!! Then we had our annual neighborhood BBQ. A group of guys have a band that is called Malpractice.(which is kind of funny bc I think most of them are docs) They're really good and they play at our neightobhood BBQ. It's fun to meet your neighbors or see ones that you don't see that often. It's always a good time. They have cotton candy (which I had 3 'servings' of), snow cones, regular BBQ food, a bouncy house, bouncy jousting and a bouncy slide. It was fun. Here's a video of last summer's BBQ in all its Metalica glory.

Next week my parents are coming into town which will be fun. They're staying at the Grand America which means that I can go there after work and swim! yeah! My mom is doing a half marathon with me on Saturday in Logan. It will be fun. We're planning on walking it though because my knees have been on the fritz this summer. boo knees! Even though they freak out when I run I've ridden my bike to work a few times. It's a good 30 mile ride but my knees are ok afterwards. Just a little ice and Motrin :)

We're pretty sad the summer is almost over. We're going to see Mystere in Vegas in September and then we're riding Amtrak to San Franisco the next weekend. Ryan is stoked to ride the train! We'll spend a few days in San Francisco and then fly home. We booked a hotel in New York for October but we're not sure if we'll go then. It can get pretty busy with school, work, life ... and not to mention the expense part ... tuition, etc. We think that it would be fun to do a VERY BUDGET Europe trip. Hostels, public transportation, etc. Have you ever done that? What is the cheapest airline ticket you have seen to Europe? I know there's a lot of deals for traveling right now.

Well I'll stop rambling because the video finally uploaded. Bye!


ok, here's the puppy dog pictures!


Scott said...

Oh, man! Europe would be GREAT!! Do you subscribe to travelzoo's weekly top 20? They usually have one or two Europe deals there which are very tempting.

What's going on with your knees? Sometimes, changing the position of the seat on your bicycle will help a TON (I had to do it this summer, too; my knees would give me trouble after about 30 miles or so). Google "knee pain bicycle" and you'll find a few good suggestions.

Have fun on your trip to SF!

Melissa said...

Thanks for the idea on Travelzoo! I have heard of some people finding great deals. I'll have to check it out. The knees are just wierd. I've had problems since high school but it's not like bad enough to need surgery. If I over do it they freak out and then I just take it easy and they go back to normal. Has your semester started yet?

Allison said...

Annah is the one to talk to about Europe. She went there last summer and just got back after 2 months over there.

That's great about your half marathon with your mom. I've already looked at possible 5k races in Dallas. We are headed there next week and when my mom comes down in September we are going to walk a 10k.

I was just looking at your mom in law's book. I saw you have a recipe named after you. You're basically famous.

Melissa said...

oh, the Melissa is actually Ryan's sister, Melissa :) However, I'm sure it's a great recipe :)

Kara said...

Hey peeps! We missed the block party this year...too much puking for me! I felt bad I ditched out on the band, but I heard Ashlee filled in for me. It would have been great to see y'all. Hope all is well in the Fields!