Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bikes and food

Today I went on a 30-mile ride with Adele and Lily Allen. They're not real. I just listen to them and they keep my sane. (on my ipod. they're not imaginary friends just in case anybody was wondering). I rode up 7th East to 45th south. I'm not sure why I ended up at my work on a Saturday but that's where my ride took me. Did I go in? yeah right. I didn't really get anything else accomplished today :) I met my friend, Kaley, at IKEA. She was down from Boise to try out for So You Think You Can Dance. Then I took a nice long nap. I woke up as Ryan came into the house from the garage. He was coming home from work. I won't even tell you how long I slept. Then I made some dinner. What did I make? I made lime-cilantro chicken with tomato and avacado salsa with parmesean rice and zuccini and squash from our garden. And I made it all in 20 minutes! I'm trying to cook a little more because my idea of a good dinner is Subway. I'm perfectly fine with that :) But I need to practice cooking. baby steps. (ugh, I really don't like it, but I have some big shoes to fill) Afterall, his mom is Ruth Kendrick. For example . So I'll take any good low-calorie recipes you have that I can make in 20-minutes or less.


Britta said...

That sounds SO YUMMY! You are an inspiration to me. Subway has become my default, too.

Britta said...

That sounds SO YUMMY! You are an inspiration to me. Subway has become my default, too.

chelsea mckell said...

ohhhh, I miss going on long bike rides then relaxing... I used to do that a lot on Saturdays, pre-baby life.